Broadleaf weeds can be an eye sore in your lawns. Whether you have a few weeds or your whole lawn is covered in them, we can help! There are two main seasons when broadleaf weeds grow at their best, Spring and late Fall. Controlling them during this time will make it easier to maintain throughout the rest of the year.
A pre-emergent application in the spring is a great way to start the season off. A pre-emergent will prevent weed seed from developing by creating a protective layer in the soil. While pre-emergents work great on certain weeds like crabgrass, they may not prevent all weeds.
If you have current weeds in your lawn, the first step is to identify what weed(s) that are growing in your lawn. There are three main weed groups: Broadleaf, Grassy, and Sedges.
Sedges are bright greenish/yellow weeds that will grow in ditches or areas that hold moisture during most of the year. They are easy to identify with their triangler stem, tall growth habit, and obtuse seed head at the top.
Grassy weeds are harder to tell apart, but look like they sound, a grass. Crabgrass, goosegrass, and dallisgrass are common grassy weeds in the piedmont North Carolina lawns. They usually outgrow fescue or bermuda and will dominate in dry, stressed lawns. There are various other weeds that will come up at different times during the year and can be difficult to control.
Broadleaf weeds is the last main group and contain hundreds of various weeds. Whether you are dealing with clover, henbit, Virginia Buttonweed, or buckhorn they are all considered broadleaf weeds. There are many products on the market that control these weeds, but correctly identifying troublesome weeds will help with product selection.
Timing & Temperature
With broadleaf weeds, there are two main season that most broadleaves will thrive in, Spring and Fall. Broadleaf weeds that germinate in the spring will live through most of the summer, while weeds that germinate in the fall will survive through most of the winter. These are the two main times to control these weeds.
Outside of those main times, certain weeds like Virginia Buttonweed, lespedeza, or wild violets will grow strong during the summer and are very difficult to control. If you have these weeds, multiple applications of products containing triclopyr or fluroxypyr may be required.
Maintenance Programs
In both of our Maintenance Programs, the Premium and Base, we will spot spray broadleaf weeds throughout the year with each application. We have two applications timed during the spring to control the initial growth of these weeds, and then will follow up throughout the rest of the seasons with other applications for complete control.
If you are not on a program, we would be happy to spray weeds whenever is requested, but highly recommend being on a plan as it will reduce the weeds over time with pre-emergent control, continuous spot applications for breakthrough weeds, and a healthier lawn growth to choke out future weeds.
Product Safety
With any application, we use safe products that have minimal impact on the environment. Our application methods reduce the amount of product being applied compared to our competition, improving your lawn health and reducing environmental impacts. With any application, but sure to stay off of your lawn until product has dried.
Is it Pet Safe?
With all of our applications, they are pet safe once the product has dried. Be sure to keep pets off of your lawn until it has dried.
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